Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Scholastic Gold Key Winners Announced!!!

Senior Artist/ Designer Anna Karpman 12' with her mentor, advisor, instructor Marisol Diaz, D-E art faculty.

Stephanie Moon 11' with her mother & artwork.
Alexis Inguaggiato 11', reciepient of Gold & Silver honors in both art & writing.

The droves of parents, artists and instructors filled the galleries at the Montclair Museum.

On a recent mid week evening, students, parents and teachers from at least 150 towns and 7 counties in New Jersey gathered in the austere auditorium of the Montclair Museum for recognition in the creative arts.  Among those present were Dwight-Englewood juniors Alexis Inguiagiatto (Gold and Silver Key awards in both art and writing) and Stephanie Moon (Gold and Silver Key awards for both painting and photography).  Anna Karpman, a current senior, was awarded the most prestigious prize for her whole portfolio.  Recognizing out of the box thinkers & innovators by selecting works to receive Gold Key, Silver Key and Honorable Mention honors through the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is a strong aspect of their mission.

  For the past 89 years, the National Alliance for Young Artists & Writers has sought to encourage young writers and visual artists creative minds.  Marisol Diaz, art instructor of all 3 students and Gregg Emery, chair of the visual arts & art history program were also present to support, applaud and cherish these fine young artists.  The works of all 3 Dwight-Englewood Artists is currently being reviewed by the National Selection Committee.  Only 15 artists will be selected from this large national pool of talent,…results will be announced in mid-March.

Gary Schneider, Director of Education at the Montclair Museum and emcee for the evening spoke eloquently in regards to the jury process for selection in the exhibit, ‘Originality, technical skill, emergence of a personal voice,’ are what jurors look for in the works.  He also when on to state how important this recognition is when indeed in this contemporary world,…’artists and creative thinkers have a very important place at the table.’

Monday, February 6, 2012

Class of 2010 artists still shine brightly... at the Dwight-Englewood School

When Ms. Lachman approached me about choosing artwork for the soon to be redesigned library silent study space, there really was only one choice...Colin Alexander 10'.  For his focus project, Colin studied visual books, picture books and graphic novels...completing the project with his own original book that blurred the lines between the literary and the aesthetic.  He has loaned the originals to us for display...
Mr. Petkus, both his teacher and friend and now one of the directors of the library...was overwhelmed by the works as well as the color selection for walls and furniture that was inspired by Colin's works.  Colin is currently continuing his artistic journey at the prestigious, Maryland Institute, College of Art.
Drawings texted to me by Cooper Wright 10', part of an art project at Maryland Institute, College of Art.
Cooper asked if he and another former student of mine at D-E, Andrew Boskin could use the gallery for an 'installation' inspired by the drawing project he created in his fall semester work at MICA.

Cooper's ideas about House vs. Home and the questions about how we remember and what we do with those memories, what is our access? and what triggers those feelings? all came together in this simple, yet complex arrangement.  Cooper was particularly interested in these ideas after being a 'lifer' at Dwight-Englewood, then making the decision to spend a 'gap' year studying in Brazil before embarking on his artistic education at MICA.

Pictured here, Cooper Wright, Andrew Boskin and Isabella Giancarlo, all members of the auspicious Class of 2010!
Cooper answers questions from English faculty member, Diane Christian.